venerdì 12 maggio 2017


VAN GOGH 1889/ HALL 2001

The LEGO mosaic represents a famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh , ★☆the Starry Night and was created in 2001 by Ed Hall.
 It's 45x36 and it's made completely out of LEGO bricks (1x1). It tooks lots of months and approximately ten thousand bricks to complete. 

The creatore Ed Hall wasn't using any glu on his project but only the connectivity of LEGO bricks and three screws to keep the mosaic together on the wall. 

He used many brighting colours of the bricks as red, blue, yellow, green but also white and black.
He spelled out the mosaic "Van Gogh 1889 /Hall 2001" 

venerdì 28 aprile 2017


'Just as beautiful' is a bi-monthly magazine who offers articles on fashion, cooking and lifestyle and the first one for curvy women (plus size-women). This magazine was launched in October 2010 but it has existed since 2007 and it has many readers. The special thing of the magazine is that they never used traditional thin models and photographs aren't modified.
Sue Thominson, the editor, wants to transmit an important message  promoting the self-acceptance: "you don't need to change your body or be thin to be happy". But the magazine also received bad comments: health experts said it promoted obesity, other said it created a division between thin and plus size-women. To answer, the editor said the magazine published articles on all types of women and it doesn't say thin women are ugly, but they are just as beautiful as fat women.

martedì 14 marzo 2017


Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the Green Party all compaigns for a cleaner, healtier and less polluted enviroment.
Greenpeace operates internationally and is able to embarass governaments and large oil companies through feats for a direct action which attract public simpathy. These may include attemps to block the disposal of radioactive waste at sea or to prevent the sitting the new oil rig.

Risultati immagini per greenpeace
 Friends of the Earth has branches in many qowns and cities and is known especially for local initiatives such as recycling tins and newspaper, opposition to road- building schemes and attemps to raise people's awareness of Green issues. The Green Party in Britain has never won a seat in parliament. Never the less, the Green moviment as a whole has had an influence on the agendas of the major political parties. Both the redactions in the tax paid on lead-free period and the imposition of VAT  on the domestic heating have been presented as policies to help the enviroment. As more of our streets become jammed up with cars and more of our children suffer form asthma, the need for Freener life-style becomes one of the self-interest, not to mention the protection of other species and their habitants.



                           Risultati immagini per netiquette

Netiquette- network (english) + étiquette (french)- means respecting other user's views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion group. The basic rules are these:

  1. Remember the human.
  2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.
  3. Know where you are in the cyberspace.
  4. Make yourself look good online.
  5. Share expert knowledge.
  6. Help keep flame wars under control.
  7. Respect other people's privacy.
  8. Don't abuse your power.
  9. Be forgiving of the people's mistakes.
Who doesn't follow these rules is isolated from the resources or there's the suspencion of some access services. 


Humans may not be the only one to use languages. Scientists think that dolphins also use words and sentences to speak to each other and some new researches show that this communication is similar to our conversations. The sound that dolphins make look like sentences that let dolphins send messages to each other, identify themselves, have relations and do something together. We may be able to understand dolphins language and talk to dolphins in the future. Researches discovered that dolphins had their own language after they recorded two bottlenose dolphins. The dolphins listened to each other and then they replaied. A researcher said that resembles a conversation between two people and that indicates a high level of intelligence in doplhins.
           Risultati immagini per dolphins

venerdì 10 marzo 2017


What is a dream? A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions that occurs involuntary in the mind during certain stages of sleep, the rapid-eye movement (REM).
There are many types of dreams. There are some examples:

False Awakeing Dreams: It's when you are dreaming you have waken up and gone about your daily morning routine, like having breakfast or going to school.

Lucid Dream: It's when you're sleeping and you realize you're dreaming and you can controle the development of the dream, but some people wake up when they realize they are dreaming.

Nightmare: It's a disturbing dream that causes you to wake up feeling anxious and frightned.

Reccuring Dream: It's a repeated dream with little variations in the story. When you find the resolution of the dream's problem, you stop dreaming about it.

Prophetic Dream: It's a dream that tells you what is going to happen in your life.

Progressive Dream: It occurs when you when you have a sequence of dreams that continue over a period of nights. 

Mutual Dream: It's when two people have the same dream.

                             Risultati immagini per dreams

And what about you? Have you ever dreamt about...

Accessorizing yourself? It means you're feeling incomplete.

Being Adult? It suggests you need to be more mature about a situation.

Having A Bad Breath? It indicates that you need to think before say something.

See The Joker Card? It represents the endless possibilities, you can do anything you want about a situation you're living.

But sometimes we have STRANGE dreams. 

Farting → You need to express your feelings in a more direct way.

Seeing King KongAn impossible obstacle is blocking your progress.

Being Voldemort It represents your dark personality. Or you're watching too much Harry Potter.

venerdì 17 febbraio 2017


Who is your hero? My hero is my aunt. Her name is Pina, she is about 50 but she looks like a 35 years woman, and she is the sister of my father. She takes care of everyone. She’s always been in my life since I was little. When she was younger she suffered of cancer and I remember my family and I were very worried. After years of cures today she’s okay, she defeated the cancer. My aunt inspired me because she has been very courageous   and thanks to her I know I can deface everything. My aunt baptized and confirmed me and we have a beautiful relationship. I love her and I hope the best for her, I know she hopes the same. ♥